
1991年,Eve Kimball博士在宾夕法尼亚州雷丁市北第五街326号开设了有关儿童儿科伴侣(AACPP),位于宾夕法尼亚州雷丁的1,200平方英尺零售商店。


翻新后,2001年,AACPP移至301 Penn Avenue,Suite 200。这种实践有着悠久的历史,这些历史是来自不同背景的欢迎人,并为他们提供了适当的文化服务。我们的员工反映了我们社区的多样性。

On June 25, 2008, the team began practicing at 655 Walnut Street (7th Avenue and Walnut Street) in West Reading. This facility is easily recognized thanks to beautiful murals depicting the years and activities of children from age 0 – 18. Mike Miller of Berks Community Murals, Andrew Ponchan of the Yocum Institute, and art education students of Wyomissing High School are the creative talent behind our 43 murals. The 16,000 plus square-foot facility was remodeled especially for the practice. It was designed with infection-prevention strategies such as direct exhausting of air from patient areas to the outside, 28 examining rooms, and in 2020 curbside visits. Visitors should see if they can identify Beethoven’s Fifth and Brahms’ Lullaby in the clouds on the building’s parapets.

2019年,AACPP加入了宾夕法尼亚州立卫118金宝搏抽水生,并成为宾夕法尼亚州立卫生医疗小组 - 所有有关儿童的信息,扩大了儿童在家附近获得综合医疗保健服务的机会。Read more about our expansion.

Mission and Values

Our mission and values to our families is to provide the finest quality preventive and acute pediatric care regardless of life situation or challenges in a caring, understanding, and competent manner, sensitive to cultures and privacy concerns.

As your medical home we will:

  • Help our families achieve the best possible health for their children
  • See our patient as a whole, and advocate for healthy lifestyle, oral health and emotional well being
  • Strive for all our patients to be fully immunized. We strongly believe in the efficacy and safety of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Protection
  • 鼓励保持疫苗接种和适合年龄的筛查测试的最新状态
  • Work with you and other care providers (specialists and therapists) to coordinate care, if needed
  • Be available to your family 24/7 via our on-call doctors and nurse answering service
  • Expect you to notify us within 24 hours if you cannot keep your scheduled appointment

Focus on Quality

  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,他alth Medical Group - All About Children has been recognized in Berks County as a resource for children with special abilities since 1991. We have participated in the national American Academy of Pediatrics Medical Home project since 1992 and now participate in of the Pennsylvania Academy of Pediatrics Medical Home Initiative to provide outstanding services for care of children with special abilities (such as autism, diabetes, mental challenges, asthma, cystic fibrosis and foster care).
  • National Council on Quality Assurance - Level 3 status was awarded to AAC in 2016
  • We take time to discuss concerns with families, partner with them, and provide education on Asthma, vaccinations, as well as suggestions for healthy living to prevent obesity.
  • Our Care Coordinators and Intake Specialists work with families to obtain care and resources appropriate for their needs.
  • 儿童和年轻人从我们友好而有礼貌的员工那里获得了额外的温柔爱护。
  • A language line is available 24/7 for quality translation services.
  • Free vaccines for children are available on site.
  • Our triage nurses are especially skilled and helpful to parents. They will contact your physician or nurse practitioner if your question is beyond their scope of knowledge.
  • 医师每周7天每天24小时可用于紧急/紧急问题
  • AAC was the first private practice Reach Out and Read site in the nation. Since 1996, children of all ages have received more than 200,000 new or gently used books or National Geographic magazines at their checkups.
  • 我们所有患者都可以使用哮喘教育,资源和补给以及饮食,运动和健康生活的建议。
  • 办公室附近有很多免费的停车位,两个街区距离酒店。

We’re proud of our participation in these Quality Projects