Medical bills shouldn’t keep you from getting the care you need. That’s why we offer financial assistance. In compliance with IRS Code 501(r), we:
- Have a writtenfinancial assistance policy (FAP)and “plain language summary” of the policy, available to the public
- Limit the amounts that can be charged for emergency or other medically necessary care to individuals who qualify for financial assistance, charging only “Amounts Generally Billed” for such care
- Refrain from extraordinary collection actions before making reasonable efforts to determine whether an individual qualifies for financial assistance
Additionally, on July 1, 2016, Penn State Health introduced new financial assistance policies and processes that give eligible patients 100% financial assistance for medically necessary services.
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -Police d’Assistance Financière (policy)
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -Police d’Assistance Financière (policy)
- Patients ayant besoin d'assistance financière (application)
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -Richtlinie zur Finanzhilfe (policy)
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -Richtlinie zur Finanzhilfe (policy)
- Patienten die Finanzhilfe benötigen (application)
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -Polizza di Asstenza Finanziaria(政策)
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -Polizza di Asstenza Finanziaria(政策)
- Pazienti che hanno bisogno dell’Assistenza Finanziaria (application)
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -Polisa finansijske pomoci (policy)
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -Polisa finansijske pomoci (policy)
- Pacijenti kojima je potrebna finansijska pomoc (application)
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -Directiva Para La Ayuda Finangiera(政策)
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -Directiva Para La Ayuda Finangiera(政策)
- Pacientes que necesitan ayuda financiera (application)
Related policies and guidelines:
- 圣灵医疗中心和圣约瑟夫医疗中心 -财务援助政策
- 所有其他宾州国家健康118金宝搏抽水联系 -财务援助政策
- Plain Language Summary and Financial Assistance Application
Related policies and guidelines:
Related policies and guidelines
- RC-002 Patient Credit and Collections Policy
- RC-012 Deceased Patient/Guarantor Account Resolution
- Federal Poverty Guidelines
Additional resources
In addition to standard financial assistance plans, we offer other services to help you pay your balance:
- Financial counseling services: Penn State Health has enhanced its financial counseling services, adding additional financial counselors and customer service representatives to assist patients and consumers with a variety of new and existing programs.
- AblePay Health: Penn State Health is a participating provider in AblePay Health, a no-cost program that provides savings and flexible payment terms on out-of-pocket medical expenses such as deductibles, coinsurance and co-pays.
- 免费付款: We do not charge interest on health care balances or charge a fee for carrying a balance.
- 药房帮助: If you have a problem paying for prescription drugs, we can connect you with our pharmacy specialist. They can work with you to find equal, low-cost prescriptions or other pharmacy programs directly from drug companies.
- Four Diamonds: This charity offers financial assistance for children who are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 18. The charity often assists with out-of-pocket medical expenses, lodging, and transportation.